Money money money...
2005-04-06 - 3:17 p.m.


So I have another entry about money. Yesterday I was approved for a PC financial Mastercard!! WOO HOO!! What this means is that once I move out, i'll be able to buy groceries! I love my pc banking!

Yesterday I also discovered that I have to pay my OSAP back by the end of April, or I begin to accrue interest. Now it's no big deal, because I have every single penny of my osap money in a seperate bank account, but look at it this way: For the past 3 years, i've had a couple thousand sitting there in savings. It was my financial cushion. My 'just in case' fund. And now it's going to be gone. I had assumed that I wouldnt have to pay it back until November without interest. I thought I could use some of it for my trip (if needed) or to put a down payment on a car, and then pay it back in time. Not anymore. It's intimidating, definitely. Ah well, I'll just have to learn how to survive until I have enough that i've made on my own for a cushion I guess!

Me, Megan, Crystal and Kelly went shopping today and spent about $800. With 4 girls you would think it wouldn't be that hard, but it was!! What's super cool is that $450 of that (10 FULL carts) was spent at Dollarama! haha! we rock. It was for our admin class, we're putting together packages for kids moving out of care and into independant living. and DAMN did we ever spoil them! I want someone to do that for me when I move out haha! I just hope they appreciate it, it was actually quite a bit of work! We had a good time though.

That's pretty much it though... ttyl!

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Keepin it alive! - 2006-02-05
i've moved on... - 2005-11-02
who knows... - 2005-09-18
Were no longer together. - 2005-09-01
Happy - 2005-08-11

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