pub night!
2005-02-20 - 6:52 p.m.

So it's been forever since i've updated... im really getting bad at this.

We'll go back to Valentine's day. I went over to Tim's and we watched the notebook. (he only let me rent it because it was valentines day!) It is a GREAT movie! I really liked it! Even Tim admitted it was good!

On the 15th I went back for my checkup about my wisdom tooth. He pulled out the stitch and that made me feel much better. Apparently im healing well.

Friday was great. At whitby there's a guy who works part-time named Jeff. He's a really great guy. Well I think him and my friend Crystal from school would work out well together, so I invited him out to the pub night at the Mansion on Friday. It went sooo well! My gosh it was a great night! Jeff and Crystal seemed to hit it off, Megan and John were there... It was just so great to spend some time out of school with all the girls. We really do need to do it more often. Of course I also had quite a bit to drink... haha! including 2 of the shots that some random guy bought our whole table (yes, including guys) who knows, im not gonna argue against free drinks!

Saturday Tim and I went downtown to the Autoshow. It was really good actually. I liked getting to see all the different cars in one place (well sorta, 3 buildings). It makes me both excited and nervous that i'll be getting a new car so soon. I've made my goal to have it by next November, so that my car doesnt have to go through another winter. I really want another Toyota Corolla. Either the CE, S, or the XRS. Im sure for insurance reasons though im gonna have to go with the CE, the less sporty of the 3. I thought the Pontiac Pursuit was cute too, but I know Corollas, and i trust them. It sucks that insurance is gonna get so much more expensive. I really think i'm paying enough now as it is!!

Today I applied for my first ever, non-seasonal full-time job. Weird i know. I got a call on Wednesday asking me to apply for the full-time asleep position at Watersdown (the group home where i did my placement last year) So i did it. Honestly im not sure if i'll get it, or really if i want it. I've been weighing out the pros and cons and they're about even haha! There's a couple of things i still have to look into, but if i get it I'm pretty sure i'll take it. At least for the summer. I really want to get in part-time at Whitby though. To do both would be really cool for a little while. Whitby pays much better obviously.

I'm so close to being done school it's not even funny... I'm on the Crisis unit for the next 2 weeks, then I have reading week, then only 3 weeks left of placement! I'll still have some classes on Friday's, but still. So close... I'm excited to finally be able to start my life!

Well that's enough catching up for now.. ttyl!

<< / >>

Keepin it alive! - 2006-02-05
i've moved on... - 2005-11-02
who knows... - 2005-09-18
Were no longer together. - 2005-09-01
Happy - 2005-08-11

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