Bye bye wisdom tooth!
2005-02-08 - 7:08 p.m.


So Friday at school.. funny stuff. Every Friday we go out to lunch at Scarborough Town, this time it was my turn to drive. So we go and do our thing and come back to the school. Well to get into our school parking lot there's 2 90 degree curves in the road. We went around one and my car made this funny 'flop flop flop' sound. Uh oh, that's not good! So we parked and lookd at my car... I knew that the rear passenger side tire had been a little low on air and i really meant to check it, but i suck at that stuff. a lot. So guess what? I had a flat tire. Like honestly as flat as it could be without being popped. i could fully press it in with my finger. Damn. So i called Tim, and told him that i'd need him to come rescue me after my last class. What a nice boy. He showed up and brought his compressor with him so that we could pump up my tire and it was perfectly fine. YAY!

I got home and got all my stuff together and he picked me up for our anniversary date. It was a surprise up until then but i had a feeling i knew where we were going (i was right!) He took me to stage west dinner theatre and all-suite hotel. SO NICE! I had never stayed in a suite hotel room before. Totally cool. The food was good and the show, GREAT! It was called California Dreamin' and it was all old rock and roll from like the 50's - 70's from California, so of course they played BEACH BOYS! loved it.

Saturday we ended up hanging out at his house. Watched this super boring movie called Vanity Fair. I slept during that one haha! We also watched Napoleon dynamite it was alright, stupid funny.

I had placement yesterday.. We got another new kid. Only one more bed to fill now! I like the group we have right now, they're all good kids. That's one thing i really like about Whitby, the kids are all great, and respectful. You dont get that in a group home. I so hope i get hired on there.

Today was the big day. I got my wisdom tooth removed! It wasnt as bad as i expected. I didnt get put out, it was at least an extra $150 for that and i just really dont have that kind of extra money! They gave me local anesthetic and it definitely did it's job! He had to drill it, which was not nice. I couldnt really feel it, but my mouth tasted like burning. He gave me a prescription for tylenol 3's as well as penicillin. Right before he did it I was soo nervous, I started shaking and my heart racing. Not a nice feeling! It was over pretty quick though. I've got 1 stitch (my first one ever!) and i go back in a week to make sure that it's healing properly. I've taken 2 of the tylenol 3's so far. They're actually no name brand ones. All the other times i've had t3's they've put me right out, these ones dont even seem to make me sleepy. They do get rid of the pain and i guess that's what matters, but i liked it when they would put me out!

Ah well. It's super weird to have this huge gaping hole in your mouth that's for sure. I was also told eventually i'll probably have to get the bottom left one out as well, if i do i'm probably better off to have the other 3 out then. I guess we'll see on my benefits situation at that time!

So that's about it for now i guess! ttyl

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Keepin it alive! - 2006-02-05
i've moved on... - 2005-11-02
who knows... - 2005-09-18
Were no longer together. - 2005-09-01
Happy - 2005-08-11

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