Holy parties Batman!
2004-12-14 - 6:03 p.m.


Friday night i went to my placements Christmas party. SOOO MUCH FUN! haha there was copius amounts of drinking and lots of fun chatting with Megan and Ron. Haha they're great!! Tim told me that after the party when we went back to his house that i was randomly singing... umm i dunno about that, i only remember singing along to the 'do you really wanna hurt me' hockey/beer commercial haha!

Saturday was a busy day, getting ready for my dad's surprise 50th b/day party!! It worked out super well though! Good times. Tim taught me how to play poker and gave me some of his winnings to play with! haha of course i didnt even win one hand, but ah well.

Sunday was my first ever home party candle show. Well lets just say i dont want to do one again unless people know im going to be there and come planning to spend money. The weather was crappy, it was far away (well Orono, not SUPER far) and i didnt sell as much as i would've liked... I know that a lot of this stuff will be given away as gifts and that's really spreading my name out there but i just want a regular customer base that orders regularly. haha!

Yesterday i went to see Ocean's 12 w/ Tim and Adam, good movie but not as good as the first one.

Today i had my final supervision for this semester. haha im rocking! My teacher suggested i get an 80-82% but my supervisor is against giving me an A in first semester because she feels i'll have nothing to push myself towards next semester. haha! we ended up deciding on a 79% HAHA! i rock. I KNOW i will get my A next semester.
Tomorrow is the unit's Christmas party for the kids so i'm doing an evening shift. I'm excited, it should be a really good time!

I'm working an overnight asleep tonight. I love money and hopefully i'll get to sleep the whole time. All i know is i'll be wearing SUPER warm clothes cause it's freaking freezing today.

Well i guess that's it! ttyl!

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Keepin it alive! - 2006-02-05
i've moved on... - 2005-11-02
who knows... - 2005-09-18
Were no longer together. - 2005-09-01
Happy - 2005-08-11

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