He's gone.
2005-01-04 - 10:14 a.m.


Yesterday was back to placement. The morning went by really fast. I was just sitting down to lunch (yummy spanish rice) when the phone rang in the office. One of the ladies i was working with answered it, and then 2 mins. later called me in and said it was for me. My mom. I just looked down at the phone and said 'oh no.' I knew what she was going to say. My uncle Brian passed away yesterday after battling cancer. He leaves 4 kids (youngest only 16) and 2 grandkids. I left placement. Came right home. Talked to my mom and auntie mo and uncle terry who stopped by. I called Tim and left the worst message ever in tears. He came by later and just cuddled with me. He's the best person ever to hug when you're upset.

My mom went out to Lakefield to help my aunt work everything out. I was left to tell the kids. so hard. Tanya came by and tired Jacob out which was a godsend i swear. He just fell into bed.

My other aunt came by last night, she had been at my mom's cousin's viewing in Oshawa and stopped by. Yep, that's 2 deaths in the family in 3 days. I know that these things happen in 3's but im keeping my fingers crossed that this time it wont. It's too hard.

I took today off and will go back to placement for tomorrow. Tomorrow night will be the first viewing, then all day thursday, then funeral on friday. It's gonna be a long week.

My teacher just called me to let me know that this doesnt count as my sick days for placement which is great. It's compassionate leave, and i'm given 3 days. Well i'm using 2.5 of them this week so lets keep our fingers crossed that i dont need anymore this semester.

That's all for now i guess, if you havent yet, be sure to check out www.lindsayscandles.com it's full up and running! Feel free to place an order too! i'll love you forever!

<< / >>

Keepin it alive! - 2006-02-05
i've moved on... - 2005-11-02
who knows... - 2005-09-18
Were no longer together. - 2005-09-01
Happy - 2005-08-11

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