My weekend.
2003-11-30 - 1:05 p.m.


I've had a decent weekend. Friday night i was in bed by 10:30pm. I guess i needed the sleep.

Yesterday i got up around 10:30am. I just hung out around here and had a shower. Just after i got out of the shower Tim called. He asked if i wanted to go shopping w/ him and i said sure.

He came and picked me up and we went to the mall first. We had lunch w/ Steph and Susie. Steph told us they were all going out that night to the mansion for Drew's B/day. She also told us that in January Gregg was moving to Kingston... She's not happy w/ that (her and Gregg are together). But it also means that Mike will be needing a new roommate...

I got some Christmas shopping done. We also went to Home Depot and Walmart. Then we went back to Tim's.

Tim called up this guy Travis who's doing the nuclear operator training w/ him. Travis is 22 and just moved here on Wednesday from BC. So he was invited out w/ us as well.

There was problems with Tim's mom that i SOMEHOW managed to stay out of, but pissed me off beyond belief. Anyways, we came back here, i got ready and we headed out. We got to the mansion and got some drinks. I was drinking sex on the beach cause they dont have pur source and it's my favourite stuff now. MAN i had 3 drinks and wasnt feeling ANYTHING. I hate mixed drinks. But they do taste good haha.

Tim talked to Mike about the apartment and while Mike made it seem tough, Tim was told that the place was his if he wanted it. It's $550/month right now, but in March it'll go up to $600/month. Tim would have the small bedroom, but that really doesnt matter. the place rocks. Tim did think about it, and he's decided not to take it. While it would be absolutely amazing, he'd be putting out a little more money in rent every month and on top of that he'd have to buy his own food. So that's that.

Travis was a really cool guy. he also fell in love with Steph. haha! I got hit on by a mid-30's 250lb. black man. That was quite interesting. The guy was old and BIG. I told Tim that he better treat me good cause im obviously a hot commodity.

We left around 2am. Tim drove everyone home and we sat in his car in my driveway for a bit talking. Mostly about the apartment and stuff. Our plans of moving out in 2 years BETTER work out. Seriously we'd both be working full time and everything... I dont see why we couldnt buy a house. I hope it works i really do.

Today i havent done much. I guess i should do my final paper for psych w/ Tanya. It's due tuesday. Man were fully in the home stretch now. only a week and a half left (were done on the 10th) then i get almost a month off. Oh it's gonna be damn sweet. The thing that sucks though is that this final week and a half is gonna be hell. It's pure tests... blah.

Alright ttyl!

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Keepin it alive! - 2006-02-05
i've moved on... - 2005-11-02
who knows... - 2005-09-18
Were no longer together. - 2005-09-01
Happy - 2005-08-11

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